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The Pitching Bible is the recipe for any successful business pitch. Ainsley Harriott, Celebrity Chef

"There are few books that help you maximize your company's resources to the fullest. Genius At Work tells you, step by step, what it takes to harness the intelligence of individuals, and disperse and install that intelligence throughout an entire organization. The chapter on modelling gives you specific techniques for replicating high performance, while learning about "metaprograms" will fill your toolbox with valuable insights on how you and your team process information. Highly Recommended!"

Paul Colaianni

Page after page, I rediscover ideas from a completely new perspective. I highly recommend it. 

Jeff Ford, Director of Programmes, Channel FIVE

"After hearing positive remarks about this book through repeated mentions on various forums, blogs, etc., I made the purchase.

Peter Freeth has a clear writing style that feels like a relaxed conversation between the author and reader. The chapters aren't filled with unnecessary dialogue in an attempt to be overly complex. The material is very thorough, well structured and clear...and the exercises included are relevant to the material presented in the prior chapter. Hard to put down.

With about 20 NLP books on my "shelf", this is one I wish I had purchased earlier in the game."


I have a large library of NLP books and find most of them repeating the same things over and over with slight differences. Your book, however, presents the information in a fresh and new way of writing that brings back the excitement of learning NLP modelling and applications. I have seldom been WOWed by NLP books after I attended the Master Prac Track of training other than the Turtles All the Way Down book by Grinder and DeLozier. Your Master Prac book has been full of one AHA after another. Your explanations are more effective and instructional than any others I've read .... and I've read most of them. I know of no NLP organization that has expressed such a thorough knowledge and been able to adequately express it as you have.This is another exceptional book by an exceptional author, trainer and consultant.

Jeff Zadzilka, NLP Certified Master Practitioner (Classic & New Code), Copywriter for the Self-Help & Training Industry, Former Course Developer & Training Professional

 Genius Media is a member of the Independent Publishers Guild Genius Media subscribes to the UN's Sustainable Development Goals

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