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If you were looking for CGW Publishing then you might like to know that CGW Publishing rebranded to Genius Media in November 2020. Same team, same expertise, new look.
It has been a steep learning curve for me. The input fromGenius Media made me revisit the style and format of the book which, now published, is very different from the original look that it had before working with them.
Roger Payne, author of The Business Cohesion Model
"Highly Recommended!"
Paul Colaianni
I have a large library of NLP books and find most of them repeating the same things over and over with slight differences. Your book, however, presents the information in a fresh and new way of writing that brings back the excitement of learning NLP modelling and applications. I have seldom been WOWed by NLP books after I attended the Master Prac Track of training other than the Turtles All the Way Down book by Grinder and DeLozier. Your Master Prac book has been full of one AHA after another. Your explanations are more effective and instructional than any others I've read .... and I've read most of them. I know of no NLP organization that has expressed such a thorough knowledge and been able to adequately express it as you have.This is another exceptional book by an exceptional author, trainer and consultant.
Jeff Zadzilka, NLP Certified Master Practitioner (Classic & New Code), Copywriter for the Self-Help & Training Industry, Former Course Developer & Training Professional
"It was very thought-provoking, and yet was also run to demonstrate and prove how extremely simple it is to apply and achieve results! (Genius at Work)"
Karen Minto, BI Worldwide
The Pitching Bible is an enjoyable and thought-provoking book that is written with clarity, insight and humour. It takes you on an illuminating journey through the seven secrets of a successful business pitch. Paul Boross explains that he learned the hard way about what does and does not work when pitching. As a consequence he has used his vast and varied experience to create a book that is overflowing with practical ideas and techniques for preparing and delivering a winning pitch.
With subtlety and skill the book challenges the assumptions that the reader brings to it. To support this process Paul regularly offers questioning, reflection and information points for the reader. You are encouraged to work your way through each `secret' and reflect upon your thinking and practice in key areas of pitching. For example, when do you think a pitch actually begins? Who is vital in the process of making you win a pitch, is it you or is it your audience? How is it possible to always remain in control of your pitch? What type of language makes you more persuasive when pitching? Paul Boross offers solutions to every question that he raises. What I like about his solutions is that they are based on real-world experience and have real-world application.
This is an impressive book that actively engages you as a reader. When you finish reading The Pitching Bible you will notice that there is an eighth `secret'...buying a copy of this book will give you a competitive edge when pitching and will help you win more business. I recommend that you buy one.
Dr. Tim O'Brien
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